This week, I would like to direct your attention to three Youtube clips I found whilst perusing the internet. The first of which, I must stress, must not be attempted under any circumstances whatsoever. This is the cinnamon challenge. This particular clip shows what happens if it goes wrong. The subject of the clip Eric "Erock" Nagel, Executive producer of the Opie and Anthony show, had to be taken to the hospital following the stunt. The video is, on the other hand, very fucking funny. The next two clips are a two part series mocking the street magician David Blaine... watch and enjoy.
And don't forget about SModcast this week!!!
I'll be watching...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Three very special youtube clips
Posted by
JJ Angleton
1:52 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Kevin Smith and SModcast
If you have ever seen the movies Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma... etc. Then you know who Kevin Smith is. If you haven't, you should go out and pick up a copy of any one of these films. In the past few years, Smith has expanded upon his role of Director and Actor with a series of behind the scenes/ Q and A specials such as An Evening with Kevin Smith and An Evening With Kevin Smith Part 2: Evening Harder along with a veritable smörgåsbord of online videos featuring the smith in a slightly different light. The most recent revelation among these is the podcast produced by Smith along with his longtime friend and producer on most films, Scott Mosier. The podcast, SModcast, is featured on Quick Stop Entertainment. Along with Smith and Mosier, the podcast features a long list of actors and friends that include, Jason Mewes, Bryan Johnson, Malcom Ingram and even Smiths wife. Up until now, there are 36 episodes in the series, each about an hour long. The conversations range from current events to questions from fans and friends about the View Askewniverse along with future projects. The podcast is available for download or streaming online.
Quickstop Entertainment
View Askewniverse
Ill be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
1:14 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Dexter Update
I want to first start off and apologize about the Cliché ridden post about my favorite television series, Dexter. In order to redeem myself after a half-assed attempt, I decided to give Dexter another post. After watching the last two episodes, I am even more impressed by the series than before. The show has outdone itself with an amazingly talented Michael C. Hall as the lead and a team of writers and producers that is, in my opinion, producing the best television series on cable. This past week, the deepest darkest fears of everyones favorite serial killer were manifested into reality. The idea had been hinted at all first season, but when this discovery (I'm not going to give away spoilers) occurred, I was quite dumbfounded. The series, unlike any other except for Lost is willing to go down the road of worst case scenario and play it out for the audience to see. I highly recommend you disregard the poor authorship exercised in my last post and give Dexter a shot.
Posted by
JJ Angleton
4:19 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Comeback Kid... DEXTER!!!!
After an extensive hiatus, the Showtime series Dexter is back for a second season. At the beginning of the first episode of the season, I had my doubts; however the final scene cured every last one of them. If youre not familiar with the show Ill give you a quick rundown. Dexter Morgan is a Serial killer who Kills by night and works for the police by day, but he's not of the Dahmer or Gacy type... Dexter has morals. If you're still confused, either read the book or check out the wikipedia page. The point to this post is to remind you folks who watched the first season that Dexter is back, and in my opinion better than ever. So instead of indulging in your Reality TV sweet tooth, check out something with a little substance.
Ill be wathcing...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
4:55 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Culmination of Comic Genius
George Carlin. The name alone evokes a plethora of ideas, one of which is the moniker that I believe he deserves, "The King of Comedy". Why do I bring up one of comedy's most singularly defining characters? Carlin along with other comics including Brian Regan, Jeff Garlin, Bob Saget, Jim Norton, and Carlos Mencia will be featured on XM Radio's newest comedy series Unmasked. The series will be hosted by Ron Bennington, the co-host of the XM show Ron and Fez, featured along with the Opie and Anthony Show on XM Radios channel 202 "The Virus". Bennington, a comic in his own rite, is by far the most intelligent and compelling comic interviewer on radio today. The series will feature Bennington doing interviews with the comics, attempting to "unmask" their personalities. Bennington's skills as a entertainment interrogator, has been doing interviews alongside his co-host Fez Whatley, on their show since the late 80's, covering such names as Kareem-Abdul-Jabar, and John Mayer (only to list a few from weeks past). To get a better perspective into Bennington's mind, I suggest you check out the thread on's Ron Bennington's Line of the Day. The site features all featured on XM 202. Here's a couple of my favourites:
"Ron on MLB Pitchers: They cant even jerk off...there worried they might pull there ACL"
"I'm a sink pissin' motherfucker. And if we're outside, that's a bathroom. I'm not waiting on line like were a bunch of women with vaginas."
Ron, talking to/about Dave (a producer) and bad decisions...
"You know what is the worst choice yet? When your mother let that pregnancy go full-term"
The series will air on XM COMEDY 150 Saturday at 8 PM and the Ron and Fez Show airs on XM THE VIRUS 202 at 12 PM on Weekdays with replays on the weekends.
Ill be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
10:47 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
David Cross and America- A love hate relationship
For years now, David Cross, the mind behind such shows as The Bob and David Show on HBO and the short lived but long loved series Freak Show , has toured the nation spreading hilarity like a modern day Johnny Appleseed(if Johnny Appleseed spread jokes about republicans and hard core pornography). But, let us not relegate David Cross to the ever present "Dick and Fart Joke"(of which I usually enjoy) style of comedy. Although many vulgar(and don't think I mean that in a bad way) topics weave their way in and out of Cross' routine, they are done so in a way that is both intelligent and surprisingly hilarious. Cross, a self-professed liberal spends a great deal of his act dealing with social issues and other serious problems that plague our country. But, again let's not get ahead of ourselves, Cross is not one for any kind of censorship that is seen so frequently in the media today in this "post-Imus world". For example, Cross has a routine in which he describes the phenomena that is the "gay accent" that is often accompanied by a lisp and an effeminate tone in the homosexual community. He describes this as an accent that is found only with gay men, then goes on to describe situations in which people claim that "homosexuality is a choice". Using the argument that many gay men are born with this "gay accent" along with the fact that no person in their right mind at the age of fourteen would "chose a life in which intolerant rednecks would constantly berate and abuse" them. This may sound like a wanting for America to disallow of "intolerant rednecks", however if one were to analyze this at all they would realize that Cross is really saying "sure think like and even be intolerant rednecks, but beat the shit out of each other instead of someone else", a simple enough message. Although this is only one example of only one medium in which Cross' comedy is presented, it is fairly representative of the intelligent yet satirical stylings of a great American comic. Please, I implore you... take a look, even if you do believe homosexuality is a choice, because David Cross would be the first to tell you "your an idiot" but at least we live in a country where that's not a crime.
P.S. As subscribership and viewership increases (much thanks to, And CALIFORNICATION still rocks my balls!) I ask that you feel free to comment and send in any suggestions via email.
I'll be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
11:46 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland... Perfection??? Part 2
Let's see, where were we? Okay, first off we've been through two of the three films produced by the team first off, The Beach, a Psychological/Philosophical Drama, and secondly, 28 Days Later, A pure and simple(well, not simple) Horror film. That's a pretty big leap to take in film genres, which brings me to my next point. Sunshine is a Science Fiction and Psychological thriller dealing with advanced scientific theory along with a study of the human mind. Seems like an impossible feat to cover in two hours you say? Well, in my opinion Sunshine not only covered these topics, but wove them into a compelling story with the most impressive visual cinematography to date. The film features a not to distant future in which the sun has died and started to break down, leaving the earth with little to no light. The story picks up after a failed attempt by mankind to re-start the sun with some kind of explosive device designed to "create a star within a star". The first mission, Icarus 1, was ill-fated and it is at this point in the film unknown the condition of the astronauts, all is known is that the mission failed. Enter, Icarus 2, piloted by a crew consisting of Cillian Murphy of Redeye and Batman Begins fame, along with Chris Evans from Fantastic 4. The film delves deep into the ideas of self-sacrifice and the reaction of man to his own fate as most every astronaut on the Icarus 2 stands in the face of his death. Visually magnificent with writing to match, Sunshine, takes the ideas of The Beach and the box office visuals of 28 Days Later and combines them to create one of the best Science Fiction films in years and in my opinion the only descent film (excluding comedies) in 2007. Now, on to future projects. To the elation of millions upon millions of gamers worldwide, Alex Garland is set to be writing the script to the long awaited HALO movie based on the best selling video game series. Danny Boyle is in Pre-Production with the film Slumdog Millionaire, a comedy set to release in 2009. Although I'm sure upcoming projects will be delights to watch(and read), I still lay in wait for the next film in which the two will collaborate. I urge you, if you have missed even one of these films(or books) to pick them up immediately and give them a chance. Just because they're not box office hits doesn't mean they're not worth watching.
I'll be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
10:29 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland... Perfection??? Part 1
When I began to write this post, I thought I would focus on one of my favorite films by the director/writer team of Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, The Beach. This was before I caught one of they're newest films, Sunshine. Needless to say, I was impressed; so I decided to instead feature the entire repertoire of the, in my opinion, perfect, combination of film making talent. So, let us begin with the film that started it all, The Beach. The year was 2000 and we were all reeling from the panic that ensued in preparation for Y2K which, as you remember, didn't happen. But that's besides the point. Let's see where were we... 2000, and Leonardo DiCaprio had come off of such performances as Titanic, The Man in The Iron Mask, and my favorite The Basketball Diaries. I remember the first time I saw the movie, it changed my life. Well, that's a little over dramatic, let me rephrase... It changed my movie life. The film, set in the near paradise of Koh Phangan, Thailand, featured the story of a young man, in search of paradise. Some would say, and by "some" I mean "I", that "paradise" is just a word in place of "enlightenment". This was one of the first appearances of Garlands dabbling with the Metaphysical spectrum. In his search for "paradise" Richard(DiCaprio) finds two very important things, a woman and a perfect pradisial retreat from society, the so-called "Beach". However in this quest for paradise, Richard discovers one fundamental truth of happiness and of "paradise"... it doesn't last forever. These ideas of enlightenment and non-permanence, not to mention the placing of the story in Southeast Asia, make it one giant symbol for Buddhist ideas and of course "Man's search for happiness/love/a meaning in life/... well you get the point". Now, the novel(written by Garland) conveyed these themes beautifully with every tool available to the modern day author, and many would swear that these ideas could not fully translate to film. Enter Danny Boyle. The movie, although not a critical or a box office success, gained a minor cult following and a die hard fan base for the duo. Boyle had previous cult success with my third favorite Boyle film, Trainspotting. The next film by the team completely shifted genres and temporarily swayed the themes away from the metaphysical. You probably all saw this next film, I know I did(and it's my least favorite by the two), 28 Days Later. Now, I don't have as much to say about this one for two reasons, there was no book to draw ideas from and second, I'm not a big horror fan, but of all horror films this was my favorite. A box office success, 28 days firmly grabbed the public's attention. I will finish this part of the post for now, but I assure you, the second post will be up ASAP. And next post: Sunshine and future projects.
Posted by
JJ Angleton
6:23 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
David Duchovny's Triumphant Return!!!!
That's right, David Duchovny has a new Television series that just began to run on Showtime. However much to the chagrin of many thousands of X-files fans, it is not to reboot the series(however he will be staring in the upcoming X-files movie sequel!). The new show "Californication" is a refreshing shot in the arm from the same people who brought us "Dexter" and "Weeds". Californication features the story of an overly cynical writer "Hank Moody" attempting to seep through the "pile of meaningless pussy" that he encounters in an attempt to find a meaning in his new LA lifestyle. Through his contentions with his ex-girlfriend,her new fiance, his daughter, his underage one night stand and of course over 5 new women so far, Hank is swirling in a cyclone of a life seemingly going down the drain, and on top of that he is suffering from writers block. Although the series is only set to run for 12 episodes, it will be sure to impress. You can catch the show on Showtime Monday nights. And if you don't have Showtime... well you're fucked, sorry.
I'll be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
6:19 PM
Friday, August 31, 2007
Current TV Burnt Man
Over forty thousand(that's 4 0 THOUSAND) people have been waiting in the middle of the desert, in anticipation of watching the famed "Burning Man" to be ignited at the aforementioned Burning Man Festival. I for one have not, however I have been watching the coverage on my TV channel of choice, CURRENT, who is running it's special "TV Free Burning Man Coverage". In todays world of talking heads and repeated traditional news, the internet savvy generation cannot thrive. However CURRENT happens to be the perfect format for those who spend their days living vicariously through their electronic devices. By providing the best in Viewer Created Content(VC2), CURRENT TV is the freest and most entertaining avenue for news available to modern man. If you do not get CURRENT through your P.O.S. cable provider, no worries, all content is available online.
Ill be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
9:50 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Musical Siren
Many men, like myself, tend to shy away from female musicians. The reasons range, but for most men the sound of a womans voice blasting out of their car speakers wouldn't impress their friends, no matter how good the sound was. In confess that I am much like the rest of the male population in that respect, however I have discovered one female artist whose music I find quite amazing. The musical vixen I speak of is Regina Spektor, if you haven't heard of her I highly recommend you take a listen. Her music is often quite gritty and employs a mix of Rap, Folk, Rock and even Classical. The sounds blend to create a unique composite of amazing tunes.
Regina Spektor
I'll Be Watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
4:23 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
To Pwn (Own), a definition: to utterly humiliate an opponent in any realm of competition, wheter it be real life (RL) or the endless world of internet gaming. No doubt many of you have seen the short clip of a bald man dubbed "FPS Doug" going ape shit while playing the ever popular video game Counter Strike. But there is much, much more to this world where video gaming and Pwning is the be all end all of human existence. In fact the short clip is only a small segment of an online show called "Pure Pwnage", of which FPS Doug is only a side character. The show is shot in the mockumentary style featuring a pro gamer Jeremy AKA "Teh Pwnerer" and behind the camerea his older brother Kyle. The show is currently in its second season and debuts its new episodes in live venues in multiple countries. The show combines satire and various gaming references to lovingly mock the world of gaming. The creators of the show, Geoff Lapairde(Kyle), a former Phd candidate and Jarret Cale (Jeremy) are both avid gammers and show off their skills at expos such as E3 and other public venues. I urge you, even if you do not play video games, to check out this refreshing break from the monontounous reality shows and the other trash on regular telivision today. The episodes are all available for online viewing at their website.
Pure Pwnage
Posted by
JJ Angleton
11:04 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
From the world of parody folk/pop/rock/hip-hop music...
Songs about racist dragons, confused identity, the issues of the day and not to mention a rap battle between the famed "Hip-Hopoppotomus" and "The Ryhmenoccerous". All this and more from one of the newest comedy series on the HBO network. The show, "Flight of the Conchords" features the day to day lives of two up and coming comic musicains in NYC. The two man band of the same name has been featured in a HBO half-hour comedy special and not to mention thousands of viral videos on Youtube, Break and other sites. The duo consists of straight man Jermaine Clement and the even straighter straight man Bret McKenzie. Through their use of dry satire, the New Zeland natives cease to suprise. The show airs on HBO Sunday nights at 10:30 PM.
Flight of the Conchords
Flight's Myspace
I'll Be Watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
4:14 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
YTMND of the moment
YTMND, an abbreviation for the phrase "You're the man now dog"(a line uttured by James Bond himself in the film "Finding Forrester") is a website that allows users to create their own web pages of animation with sound clips that come together using obscure moments from the media, TV shows and Movies. These sites are the ultimate in user created parody ranging from the topics of classic telivision shows like the original batman, to the subject of the YTMND of the Moment, current news. This weeks featured YTMND provides a witty combination of the overspeculation about Hurricane "Dean" and the rant that ruined one politicans run for the White House while simoultaneuosly cementing his place in history...
YTMND of the Moment
I'll be Watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
1:12 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Radio Review
Marconi probably never thought that radio waves would be used to transmit the sound of a man vomiting egg nog into another man's mouth. This is precisely what the Radio duo Opie and Anthony are using them for. Along with veteran comic/author/actor Lil' Jimmy Norton, the hosts broadcast 5 solid hours of radio every day over XM radio and various terrestrial stations. The subject matter varies to every topic fathomable, and the manner in which it is delt with is unremorsefully brutal. This show is by far the most listener interactive show I've ever heard or seen; through the use of "Instant feedback" and the webcam program "Paltalk" the show stays constantly current with it's fans. This show cannot be explained with any amount of text, so I will attempt to use video. I suggest you take a listen via XM radio or check to see if your local terrestrial station carries the show.
Classic O - Watch more free videos
I'll be watching...
Posted by
JJ Angleton
3:51 PM
Maiden Post
This is an introduction that I hope will explain the purpose and the future content of this blog. First of all, if you have ever participated in any of the following activities this blog is for you...
(Check all that apply... Don't really check them, there aren't any boxes asshole)
1. Watched a video on the internet
2. Watched an episode of an online show
3. Visited the site YTMND
4. Watched a television show
5. Watched a Movie
Well if you haven't done any of those things there are only two explanations. One: you're Amish. Two: You're a lying Douche. The second could still be true.
If you're still with me then I encourage you to stay tuned for the next posts on this blog.
I'll Be Watching......
Posted by
JJ Angleton
2:06 PM